By Lithika Ranepura
The Bro In Finance proprietary AI prediction model has predicted that InterContinental Hotels Group PLC (IHG.L) share price will rise to 11,000 by June 2026. This projection indicates substantial growth potential for IHG in the next two years. If you had invested ยฃ10,000 in IHG.L at 5,992 on 30th of October 2023 you should have at least ยฃ14,487. Not bad for a year right?
We are bring you a yet another opportunity to invest that could return with a expected return of 28% within two year. Sorry we don’t believe the market is going to offer more than 14% starting from next year.
Bro In Financeโs AI Prediction: 11,000 Price Target
Our AI model has being very accurate in predicting the past years till the 2020 of Covid-19, yet after years progressing to 2022 to 2024 the model has being precise in predicting mean value which is highly relevant to long term investors which has indicated from the above figure.
Here are some of the key information about InterContinental Hotels Group Plc
Finally! It’s a strong “BUY” from Bro in Finance
Buy Recommendation: Based on the fundamental and technical analysis through our AI model we believe that our target price of 11,000 by June 2026 will return 28% for a long term investor, and we strongly recommend to invest in long term to iron out the medium term market volatility since the Beta value of IHG.l is almost matching the market.
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Disclaimer: Stock trading carries significant risk and may not be suitable for all investors. This analysis, based on Bro In Financeโs proprietary data, is provided for informational purposes and should not be considered investment advice.